Friday, May 13, 2011

I really HATE this term...

"Woman of Colour".
Unfortunately, it seems to be an acceptable thing to say, without understanding the full weight it carries. There are organizations that pride themselves on using this outdated phrase. Put me in a box and classify me because of the colour of my skin! Really? Answer this, if I didn't have "colour", would I be "colourless"? Would I be any less human? Less creative? Less loving? Less compassionate? Am I really so different from you? Why would you think so? Does describing me as a woman of colour really help you understand who I truly am? But then again, I must keep in mind, that you may not be really interested. Ah, there's the rub.


Diane Drexel said...

Nope, it's not just you. I totally agree.

Bunny said...

I've never liked that phrase.

Ambitious Sewer said...

My question to you is this...What would you have us called, that would make it more politically correct?

Barbara said...

Good for you for calling this one out. It's like saying you are a woman, but what I am seeing is your colour. I have seen folks try to figure out the "colour" of members of my extended family, and get it wrong. I have just about had it with this nonsense. Life really is too short.

Another Sewing Scientist said...

I've never actually heard anyone use that phrase in real life, although I've seen it in print; maybe it's used more in the US than Canada?
(I grew up in a very white, rural area where I heard *a lot* worse words used. Luckily I don't have to listen to those people anymore :)

Summer said...

I guess I'd be a colorless woman! It is ridiculous to describe someone solely on appearance. It's too bad we can't see personality at first glance.

Carol said...

I agree. Why not just call you a woman?

Diana said...

I really didn't know that term was offensive.Thank you for setting us straight. I like the other person from Canada,have never heard it used in person, just on Oprah and other TV shows.

Unknown said...

It certainly isn't just you...I'm still trying to figure out "what color"? Women of color???? How about using our names or just refer to us as women...American women if you want to talk about women of this country (US) or Indian women (India) or Native American women. I'm using the term woman, but really could refer to men as well. When will it stop mattering what shade the skin is? I keep talking to people that have had similar life experiences and we don't even live in the same country! So what does it matter the shade/tone/color of our skin????? It really doesn't have any bearing on our experience as people. I say get rid of the "color" tag.

Becky J. said...

i am not sure that the color of black is defined completely by the word 'color'. doesn't that encompass everyone around here? it's like saying 'people' broad. not a define at all.
not to make things huge, but when the kids are describing people they usually use the words black, chinese, big bellied, glasses. i don't find that offensive.
it's a hard thing to find a word that incorperates everyone, yet doesn't offend. i don't think it's possible.
oh- how do you go for the word 'chocolate' i've heard that alot lately