#1: I think this speaks for itself, but in case it doesn't: argyle and cheetah, Pepto pink. Need I go on?
#2: From afar, they look like big polka dots, right?
#3: I liked the colour combo and it's %100 cotton. I had visions of cocktails by the pool.
#4: Tie dye, butterflies, sparkle on a knit. Was the tie dye intentional? Why?
#5: I love animal prints. But all at once?! Okay, I didn't buy this one! My sister "palmed" it off on me. All 6 yards of it. How kind.
#6: It was the animal print that got me. Can't explain about the funky checkered pattern, though. The two sisters- Poly & Ester and their cousin Doubleknit, leave something to be desired.
I think #1 does it, just because it is so unusual... What do you think you can do with it, a maxi dress???
I'd vote #1 or #6. Curious to see what you make from the fabric you choose. Something tells me it will be pretty fabulous!
I like number #1 and #2. The pink in #1 is so cheery! As for #2, well, who doesn't love hard boiled eggs? :)
#3 for me! I can see you by the water in this - it'll be fabulocity!
I am going to go with number 2 the dots. I am just not feeling them at all.
i think the all-animal print is the most difficult to work with--so busy. i can't picture it flattering any body type.
wow - they're all great contenders. I think the "eyes" have it for me though, because they'd be super difficult to make something really beautiful out of... can't wait to see what you make, each of those fabrics has its challenges!
#4 is the super ugliest in my mind, but I can't imagine something you would wear out of it!
#5 has the most potential for being ugly yet wearable in my mind.
I'll go with 4 or 5. Have fun!
I'm with #1 to. I will check on pattern review to vote.
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